117 W. Liberty St.
Rome, NY 13440
Tel 315-339-0401
Fax 315-339-2957

*** Please do not use this site to send any messages requiring urgent attention. For urgent medical matters, contact the office or dial 911.
6 Month Visit

At your baby's 6 month visit we will discuss your child's growth and development. At this visit, your baby will receive their third round of immunizations. Immunizations that will be received at this visit will be your baby's third dose of Pentacel, third dose of Prevnar, and third dose of Rotavirus.
At 6 months of age, your baby will be able to receive their first dose of the Influenza vaccine. Your baby will need to return to our office one month from the first Influenza vaccine to receive the Influenza booster immunization. Your child will only ever need the influenza booster the very first time they receive it.
For information on the Influenza Vaccine, click the link below!